Has GOD Spoke to You Lately....

How to Absolutely Know if GOD is Speaking to You or Not: "Hearing from GOD is probably the most anticipated prize in anyone's life who is diligently seeking after the LORD. Even if you are an unbeliever and don't really believe that there is a GOD who truly loves you past what you can fathom, you too may have wanted to hear GOD's voice at some point in your lifetime."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

GOD The Tyrant- Scared Straight

I've heard MOST people voice their concerns about

Really coming to GOD as they are. Most see HIM

as a Chastiser, others see HIM as a Punisher.

No matter how you see HIM, he is willing to

reveal HIS true character to you through the

WORD of call. If you are truly wondering how

GOD speaks to us
, his WORD is a Great place to

start. However, I can assure you that GOD is

not out to get you. He wants to Hold you in

HIS arms like a mother with a new born baby.

Listen to the audios below for a more in depth

study on how the LORD is the opposite of what

you may already think of HIM.


  1. Well said. You are Awesome my friend. God to me is a kind entity. God is something we really cannot understand completely. Jesus, his son came to us to lead the way. Following him, I am never alone. When things get overwhelming, I just put it in the hands of God. I also wrap myself in the robe of Jesus when things REALLY go wrong. There is nothing but Love and Mercy. Donna Merrill

  2. AMEN!! Donna.. Christ our righteousness is ever before us.. We need NOT fret HIM casting us out. Only by our CHOICE do we decide to walk and turn our backs on HIM, but he's always there to receive us back. Sanctification is what HE desires through obedience. God Bless and come back often:)
