Has GOD Spoke to You Lately....

How to Absolutely Know if GOD is Speaking to You or Not: "Hearing from GOD is probably the most anticipated prize in anyone's life who is diligently seeking after the LORD. Even if you are an unbeliever and don't really believe that there is a GOD who truly loves you past what you can fathom, you too may have wanted to hear GOD's voice at some point in your lifetime."

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Knowledge Received Through GOD's Word..

PhotobucketThe whole Bible is a revelation of the glory of GOD in Christ. Received, believed, obeyed, it is the great instrumentality in the transformation of character. It is the grand stimulus, the constraining force, that quickens the physical, mental, and spiritual powers, and directs the life into right channels.

The reason why the youth, and even those of mature years, are so easily led into temptation and SIN, is that they do not study the word of GOD and meditate upon it as they should. The lack of firm, decided will power, which is manifest in life and character, results from neglect of the sacred instruction of GOD's word. They do not by earnest effort direct the mind to that which would inspire pure, holy thought and divert it from that which is impure and untrue.

The truth of the Bible, received will uplift mind and soul. If the word of GOD were appreciated as it should be, both young and old would possess an inward rectitude, a strength of principle, that would enable them to resist temptation. Let men teach and write the precious things of the Holy Scriptures. Let the thought, the aptitude, the keen exercise of brain power, be given to the study of the thoughts of GOD. Study not the philosophy of man's conjectures, but study the philosophy of HIM who is truth. NO other literature can compare with this in value.

The mind that is earthly finds no pleasure in contemplating the word of GOD; but for the mind renewed by the Holy Spirit, divine beauty and celestial light shine from the sacred page. That which to the earthly mind was a desolate wilderness, to the spiritual mind becomes a land of living streams...

=>> From the Ministry of Healing..

Blessings in the Name of JESUS CHRIST

Ontarian Hawkins

Friday, November 5, 2010

One of the MOST Deceptive Tricks of the Devil- Mr. One-Day Late

Learn the GREATEST deception the devil has been using for thousands of years. And, learn how the WHOLE entire WORLD have fallen into this Trap without even knowing it. This is a Must see for yourself. What you are about to experience on this video will come straight from the Bible. The TRUTH shall set you free indeed. In JESUS NAME.. AMEN..

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Memory Lapse and Monkey Business

Learn the TRUTH of God's LAW and How the Enemy has been telling the Same Lie for Thousands of Years. My friend, I PRAY that THIS Truth will SET You FREE..

God Bless,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

What Really Happens When I Die- Heaven or Hell?

One of the most sought after questions for the Christian and also for Non-Believer is knowing what will happen when they die. Some people are afraid of DEATH, however Christ calls the DEATH of a believer a Blessing.

The Devil and his wicked angles are working over-time, especially in these last days to confuse the whole world and even the very elect of God's followers. Will you allow the Enemy to DEFEAT you? Will you NOT open up your Bible to study subjects like this one for yourself?

Christ bids us to Search the scriptures for ourselves... (John 5:39). GOD put it on my heart to answer this question for you to the most vivid detail using line upon line, precept upon precept the Bible says in Isaiah. So, are you ready for the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing BUT the Truth?


Enjoy and God Bless:)


Ontarian Hawkins
"Christ Soldier"
Your Brother in Love

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

GOD The Tyrant- Scared Straight

I've heard MOST people voice their concerns about

Really coming to GOD as they are. Most see HIM

as a Chastiser, others see HIM as a Punisher.

No matter how you see HIM, he is willing to

reveal HIS true character to you through the

WORD of call. If you are truly wondering how

GOD speaks to us
, his WORD is a Great place to

start. However, I can assure you that GOD is

not out to get you. He wants to Hold you in

HIS arms like a mother with a new born baby.

Listen to the audios below for a more in depth

study on how the LORD is the opposite of what

you may already think of HIM.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How to Overcome Temptation as a Christian- GOD's Way..

Learning how to overcome temptation as a Christian

is what GOD desires for us. He even makes a way to

escape (1 Corinthians 10:13) when we FEEL like we're defeated.

Trust in the LORD with all your HEART and lean not in your own

Understand (Proverbs 3:5) Learn what the LORD has to say about

Temptation.. Is it bad? Is it good? Is it necessary?