Has GOD Spoke to You Lately....

How to Absolutely Know if GOD is Speaking to You or Not: "Hearing from GOD is probably the most anticipated prize in anyone's life who is diligently seeking after the LORD. Even if you are an unbeliever and don't really believe that there is a GOD who truly loves you past what you can fathom, you too may have wanted to hear GOD's voice at some point in your lifetime."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What Really Happens When I Die- Heaven or Hell?

One of the most sought after questions for the Christian and also for Non-Believer is knowing what will happen when they die. Some people are afraid of DEATH, however Christ calls the DEATH of a believer a Blessing.

The Devil and his wicked angles are working over-time, especially in these last days to confuse the whole world and even the very elect of God's followers. Will you allow the Enemy to DEFEAT you? Will you NOT open up your Bible to study subjects like this one for yourself?

Christ bids us to Search the scriptures for ourselves... (John 5:39). GOD put it on my heart to answer this question for you to the most vivid detail using line upon line, precept upon precept the Bible says in Isaiah. So, are you ready for the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing BUT the Truth?


Enjoy and God Bless:)


Ontarian Hawkins
"Christ Soldier"
Your Brother in Love