I love to write and talk about things I've been going through spiritually during the week. I've come to realize that as a Disciple of Christ, each week is a different BATTLE. I know that you can relate. However, standing on the Promises of Christ Jesus will make Most battles seem like the mist of the air.
Two Mites to Live=>> Mark 12:41-44
According to Strong's Concordance, a Mite= 1\5 of a Cent. WOW!!
When you read this passage, you will notice that the Widow only gave 2 Mites and the Teachers of the LAW gave their Riches, but Christ saw something GOLDEN in the widow.
REPENTENCE jumped off the page and touched my Spirit when I read this. Christ always has a way of teaching us different lessons through HIS Holy Spirit, and it was just what I needed. I felt like he spoke loud and clear to me about having a True Heart and a Turning away of SIN.
True Conversion will not happen unless YOU are Converted, which means a True HEART change for the Better, or a Sorrow for what you have Done. What did the Apostle Peter say to those in the book of ACTS that wanted to Inherit the Kingdom of GOD? Repent and Be Converted that your SINS may be Blotted Out (Acts 3:19).
Tonight, I will be speaking on this very subject. I am apart of a Group here in Tulsa, OK called V.O.L.T.A.G.E. which means Victory Over Life's Trials and Gaining Eternity. This is a small group of young adults, 20-30 somethings, that get together every Friday night @ 7pm (CST).
Instead of taking the offer of the WORLD, we make it a point to Dive in GOD's word as much as Possible as this is our SWORD of defense (Hebrews 4:12) As Christians, we are called to be Separate from the WORLD, however there are a lot of Christians who don't practice this (1 John 2:15).
So, 2 Mites to Live. How Many mites do you have left? I encourage you today to take Hold of The gift of Repentence that GOD gives to each and every Soul. If there is no true Repentence, there's no true Conversion, which mean no True Blotting of SINS, which means DEATH (Romans 6:23).
Beloved, I hope this touched you as it touched me. Christ is coming back soon, and we need to be READY to meet HIM in Spirit and Truth. Read your Word, Pray, Worship HIS HOLY name and the GOD of PEACE will Save you (Philippians 4:7). God Bless:)
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Amen, my love