Exodus 33:22-23 Says: And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock., and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by; (v.23)- And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.
Most people would disregard the old testament as just "old stuff" and give their utmost attention over to the new testament. My Bible says, that GOD is the same today, yesterday, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). Even in the old testament, GOD is truly loving, truly compassionate, and truly merciful.
GOD has given me a ministry to spread to the whole world by HIS WORD. In the Cleft Ministries is based off Exodus 33:22-23, where GOD hides Moses in the Cleft of the Rock and passes right by him with all his Glory. The gentleness of GOD and the Peace that passes ALL understanding is so powerful here.
The Truth is, GOD passes by us daily, however most of the time we are not paying attention. He still whispers in that still small voice. He still HEALS the sick. HE still sends HIS peace. HE still answers prayers. HE still saves Souls. HE heals the Broken-hearted. HE binds up Wounds.
HE is the author and the Finisher of our Faith.
The Mission of in the Clift Ministries is the Tell the World about the Truth, Love, and Peace of Jesus Christ. HE is longing for you to see HIM pass by you. Be Still and know that HE is always there. HE Longs to pass by us and to Secure our SOULS for Heaven.
More Today, Christ is interested in saving souls than Ever Before. Knowing about Bible end time prophecy is CRITICAL for these last days. People are thirsty for the truth and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is my Duty to give you the keys of what GOD has already showed me by his GRACE and Wisdom.
Won't you Accept Him Now? Will You Let HIM Pass by You. This is my Prayer for You. Blessings and Honour from My GOD and My Savior Jesus Christ our LORD.
This is awesome!!! God is truly good!!!