It's NOT enough as a Christian just to Believe in Christ Jesus. The Bible says that even the Demons believe and they Tremble. As a Disciple of Christ Jesus, it is relevant to make sure your election is sure. But then again, are you a Disciple or just a Believer?
A Believer=>> Believes in Jesus Christ only, but doesn't fulfill the call of Christ.
A Disciple=> Takes up their Cross everyday and follows Christ, their Shephard, everywhere he goes. They listen to his voice and take action. They follow HIS commandments. They love him and have a tight relationship with their LORD and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
**Make Sure to Read**
2 Peter 1: 1-10
The LORD calls us out to make our election sure. Sometimes we try to do it in our own powers, which is impossible to carry out. The ONLY Way to is take part in the DIVINE NATURE OF CHRIST JESUS.
The LORD coucils all Disciples of HIS Kingdom to Cast Our Cares upon HIM, because he cares for Us. 1 Peter 5:7
Beloved, You are Cherished by GOD (Psalm 139: 17-18). Never foget that. If you are going through the Struggle, REJOICE, the Bible says (Philippian 4:4-5)
Be it Known that the LORD is more interested in Making your Election Sure than you ARE.. Won't You Take a HOLD of his Divine Glory Today?
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